Get Help
Lighthouse Louisiana offers a variety of services to help individuals of all ages who are blind, visually impaired and who have other disabilities. Our mission is to provide the tools for independence, self-reliance and success, regardless of disability.
Your support allows us to provide over 6,000 services annually that help individuals regain and maintain their independence.
Low Vision Clinic
When your vision is changing the Lighthouse can help. We’re here to help you cope with and maximize your ability to use your remaining vision.
Lighthouse Louisiana offers a full range of services for adults and children who are blind or visually impaired. Our Low Vision Clinic is staffed by Occupational Therapists that specialize in low vision. They will help you get the most out of your remaining vision through hands-on assistance of basic adaptive techniques to function independently with vision loss.
All you need is a referral from your eye doctor.
The Lighthouse changed my life by equipping me with the right tools to live a normal life with vision loss
Lighthouse Louisiana Client
Adult Vision Rehabilitation Services
Lighthouse Louisiana offers a full range of services for adults who are blind or visually impaired. Clients receive hands-on assistance to develop the basic adaptive techniques to function independently with vision loss.
An overview of our offerings is below but for more information, contact our Vision Rehabilitation Services Department at (504) 899-4501 or
Occupational Therapy Vision Rehabilitation Services
Our occupational therapist assesses a person’s vision and then matches them with the appropriate devices and tools to increase their level of independence.
Our certified occupational therapy assistant (COTA) provides one-on-one intervention to help develop the adaptive skills needed to increase safety and independence in the home.
New Vision Classes
Participants learn about various devices and adaptive techniques to increase independence with daily activities around the home. Offered twice a week for 4 weeks, classes include meal preparation, money management, organizing your home and more.
CANE Program
The Lighthouse Community Access and Navigation Education (CANE) Program helps people with vision loss navigate their environment safely and confidently. Instruction may include using a white cane, GPS, other apps or mobility aids. The way you travel affects every aspect of your life, including your ability to care for yourself, your job options, your social life and both your mental and physical well-being. Our Orientation and Mobility specialists helps teach you to safely ambulate at home and in the community, including street crossings.
Tech Connect (Assistive Technology)
Our Certified Assistive Technology Instructional Specialist (CATIS) helps people with visual impairments access information with the use of assistive technology to achieve their goals in education, employment, and independence. This can include CCTVs, computers, tablets, smartphones and e-readers.
Fun 101
This interactive class is taught by an art therapist where participants work on various projects such as pottery, beading and knitting. The group meets twice a month and is an opportunity to build community and connections
Information & Referral
We connect individuals to appropriate resources to meet their needs within the Lighthouse and in the community.
Photo: Dale Eppling learning white cane training from orientation and mobility specialist Eric Mills
“I really took advantage of everything the Lighthouse offered, and I appreciate them so much”
“The Lighthouse is a Godsend… such a blessing in my life. The resources, support, offerings, and personnel are wonderful.”
– a grateful service recipient
Youth Vision Services
For more than 30 years, the Lighthouse has provided services to youth with visual impairments. We offer a variety of services for children with disabilities to achieve success in life. These services are housed under the Lighthouse Step Program.
To learn more about Youth services or programs offered by Lighthouse Louisiana,
please call (504) 899-4501 ext. 245 or
Baby Steps
Designed to mirror Louisiana’s Early Steps Program, an early intervention program for infants and toddlers ages 0 to 3 who are visually impaired or are experiencing a developmental delay.

Light Steps

Upon developing a strong collaboration with the children and their caregivers, the Lighthouse bridges the gap between Baby Steps and kindergarten by offering opportunities to develop pre-braille, technology training, and mobility skills for children with vision loss.
Forward Steps
This stage provides opportunities for students to develop the adaptive skills and attitudes to support social-emotional learning, equity, and achievement. Forward Steps supplements the Expanded Core Curriculum (ECC), used specifically to educate students with visual impairments. Through training and instruction, themed events and parties, and summer recreational programs, Forward Steps helps children and young adults receive the resources they need to prepare them for life beyond high school.
“Lighthouse has given Khali a different outlook on life” Khali’s dad, Julian
“I went from thinking, ‘My life is over,’ to thinking, ‘I just need to learn new ways of doing things”
– Jeff, Lighthouse Louisiana client
Deaf Services
Lighthouse Louisiana is committed to providing high-quality services to people who are d/Deaf, Hard of Hearing, Deafblind or who have a speech impediment. As the Louisiana Commission for the Deaf (LCD) Regional Service Center for southeast Louisiana, we facilitate the Hearing Aid Program (HAP), the Telecommunications Equipment Program (TEP), and the Interpreting Program (TERP) for the following 4 regions:
- Region 1: New Orleans
- Orleans parish
- Jefferson parish
- Plaquemine parish
- St. Bernard parish
- Region 2: Baton Rouge
- Ascension parish
- East Baton Rouge parish
- East Feliciana parish
- Iberville parish
- Pointe Coupee parish
- West Baton Rouge parish
- West Feliciana parish
- Region 3: Houma-Thibodaux
- Assumption parish
- Lafourche parish
- St. Charles parish
- St. James parish
- St. John the Baptist parish
- St. Mary parish
- Terrebonne parish
- Region 9: Northshore
- Livingston parish
- St. Helena parish
- St. Tammany parish
- Tangipahoa parish
- Washington parish
All parishes in Louisiana receive services through LCD. If you are not in one of the parishes listed above, we will be happy to direct you to the appropriate Regional Service Center for your area.
Lighthouse Louisiana is the premier source for assistive devices and support to enhance communication for people who have hearing loss. Here’s how we can help you.
Hearing Aids
We provide free hearing aids to Louisiana residents who have low income and areage 50 or older.
To add your name to the LCD waiting list for free hearing aids, click on this link to complete the application.
Under the Accessing Services section, click “this online application” to be added to the waitlist.
If you need help to add your name to the list, call us at the number at the bottom of this page.

Adaptive Equipment
We provide free devices to help you to access your telephone, your alarm clock, your TV, or even your doorbell. Here are a few examples of the types of devices that are available to help you to stay connected.
- Amplified Telephones
- Captioned Telephones
- Cell Phone Amplifiers
- Visual Alert Systems
- Personal Alert Devices
- TV Listening Systems
If you would like to explore your options, call us at the number at the bottom of this page.
We provide American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters to support your communication needs when interacting with businesses or community groups.
If you need an ASL interpreter for a meeting, appointment, or event and the organizer does not understand how to provide you with one, call us at the number at the bottom of this page.
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) has strict guidelines to assist businesses in understanding their responsibilities to provide ASL interpreters to their patrons. If you own a business and would like more information or need assistance to locate an interpreter, call the number at the bottom of this page.

Contact Us
We are happy to help you. Call our Deaf Services Program Specialists at the numbers below or send us an email with your request.
Regions 1 and 3: New Orleans and Houma-Thibodaux areas
Katelyn Billiot
504-899-4501 Ext. 244
Regions 2 and 9: Baton Rouge and Northshore areas
Brett Holland
225-529-2749 Ext. 343
“What a wonderful program for hearing aids. I didn’t know how much I couldn’t hear until I got my hearing aids. I can hear a clock ticking, blinkers, birds chirping and can actually follow a conversation.”
– a grateful service recipient
Employment Services &
WIPA (Benefits Counseling)
Lighthouse Employment Services Department promotes the extraordinary abilities of the consumers we serve, while striving to create a diverse workforce across an inclusive community. Our goal is to assist People with Disabilities (PWD) in development of paths to success by preparing them for long-term competitive and integrated employment (CIE), financial independence, and self-sufficiency.
Lighthouse Louisiana Employment Services team is comprised of specialists who are trained in supporting PWD in obtaining, maintaining and promoting on their path towards career success. Our team are Certified Employment Support Professionals (CESPs) and are well versed in serving individuals of all abilities. We provide support that extends far beyond successful closure with State Vocational Rehabilitation (SVR) services. Our programming include: Supported Employment, Ticket to Work and Upward Mobility services.
Supported Employment
The Supported Employment (SE) program assists individuals who are interested in choosing, acquiring, and maintaining employment. These services are provided to individuals ages 18 and older for whom competitive employment has not been achieved and/or has been interrupted or intermittent as a result of a significant disability. SE services primary outcomes are to achieve Competitive Integrated Employment (CIE). CIE is defined as employment that pays the individual at least minimum wage, for which anyone can apply, and is not specifically set aside for people with disabilities. Services are designed to assist individuals with on-going support and extended services* to maintain employment.
Ticket to Work
Getting back into the workforce can be hard, especially when you’re not sure where to start. However, there is help available! If you’re between the ages of 18 – 64, currently receiving SSI or SSDI, and are ready to regain your independence, the Ticket to Work Program can help. If you would like to: (bulleted list) determine how work will impact your benefits, connect and apply for full-time job opportunities, update your resume and cover letter, develop an Individual Work Plan (IWP), participate in mock interviews, receive support to overcome barriers to employment, find referrals for clothing, transportation and other resources, etc.
Upward Mobility
Teams across the organization come together to support the program’s objective to enhance the lives of Lighthouse Louisiana’s employees who are blind/low vision by providing them with equitable and accessible training opportunities. We are energized by the involvement in and wide-ranging support of the Upward Mobility Program, and are diligently working to expand training opportunities and ultimately, pathways to meaningful employment.
If you would like to partner with Lighthouse Louisiana’s Employment Services team to provide externship opportunities, please contact us at or (504) 899-4501 ext. 259.
Work Incentives Planning & Assistance (WIPA)
Lighthouse Louisiana has a Work Incentives Planning and Assistance (WIPA) Program that provides free assistance to Social Security disability beneficiaries who live in Louisiana and are working or want to work. Our Community Work Incentives Coordinators (CWICs) will provide comprehensive benefits counseling and work incentives planning to help beneficiaries make informed decisions about working and understand how earnings from work may impact their benefits.
Lighthouse Louisiana provides WIPA services to the following parishes: Acadia, Ascension, Assumption, Calcasieu, Cameron, East Baton Rouge, East Feliciana, Iberia, Iberville, Jefferson, Jefferson Davis, Lafayette, Lafourche, Livingston, Orleans, Plaquemines, St. Bernard, St. Charles, St. Helena, St. James, St. John the Baptist, St. Martin, St. Mary, St. Tammany, Tangipahoa, Terrebonne, Vermilion, Washington, West Baton Rouge, West Feliciana.
West South Central WIPA (WSC WIPA) is provided by LSU Health Sciences Center New Orleans, Human Development Center:
If you would like general information about how work might affect your benefits, you can call the Ticket to Work Help Line at 1-866-968-7842 Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. If you use TTY services, use 1-866-833-2967. If you are working or have a job offer, the Help Line can refer you directly for Work Incentives Planning and Assistance services.
This webpage section was updated at U.S. taxpayer expense.
This material is funded through a Social Security cooperative agreement. Although Social Security reviewed this document for accuracy, it does not constitute an Official Social Security communication.
“I think the most important benefit in working with Lighthouse Louisiana Employment Services is that the Lighthouse Louisiana staff are very involved with the employees they help place in our positions. Having that presence eases the transition for everyone, and everyone that has passed through our doors from the Lighthouse has been a pleasure to work with.”
-Jason at Sodexo
Transportation Services
Need to get to a doctor’s appointment? We can come pick you up and make sure you get inside safely. Lighthouse Louisiana provides this door-to-door service for a small fee. Services are offered Monday through Friday. Please call (504) 899-4501 ext. 245 to learn more.
Need a ride to the Lighthouse? We can come pick you up.
Transportation is available to and from the Lighthouse for most of the services we offer. Call (504) 899-4501 ext. 245 for more information.
On May 22, 2019 Regional Transit Authority (RTA), in partnership with Lighthouse Louisiana, launched the Assistance Card Program. The program improves communication between the public transit operator and passenger through color-coded cards that signal to the transit operator information regarding the accommodations needed for the passenger.
The cards can be obtained at Lighthouse Louisiana’s New Orleans location, 123 State Street, or at RTA Headquarters, 2817 Canal Street. To request assistance cards, to ask questions, or to inquire about travel training, contact the Lighthouse Louisiana Information & Referral line at (504) 899-4501 ext. 245. Brailed cards are available upon request.
FAQ ‘s
Yes! Lighthouse Louisiana has services for people with all different types of vision loss. Many people who use our services are experiencing changes in their vision due to the aging process. We also serve those who have been blind since birth, and people with visual impairments. For more information, call (504) 899-4501 ext. 245 or (225) 275-1200 ext. 245, or visit us here.
Yes! Lighthouse Louisiana offers a variety of programs to assist youth who are visually impaired in developing their physical, mental, and social skills. We even contract with area schools to provide services through a teacher for the visually impaired and an orientation and mobility specialist. Call (504) 899-4501 ext. 245 or (225) 275-1200 ext. 245 for more information, or visit us here.
My child is Deaf or
Yes! We provide education, advocacy and referrals to a number of organizations designed to support parents of Deaf or hard of hearing children. Please get in touch if you need resources and encouragement. Learn more here.
You have the right to request an evaluation from your child’s school to determine whether your child has a disability. Your child has the right to “free appropriate public education” in the “least restrictive environment.” You have the right to dispute resolution, including mediation, complaints, and due process. Your child’s school MUST provide these accommodations for students with disabilities if they accept federal funding.
Our occupational therapist can help you get the most out of your remaining vision. It all starts with an evaluation that lasts approximately one and a half hours. Training sessions to follow can be thirty minutes to an hour long, depending on the individual. Sessions may include: visual skills training, magnification training, and adaptive skills training. The goal of low vision occupational therapy is to help you be as independent as possible in meaningful daily activities like: reading, preparing meals, managing finances, identifying labels, managing medications, grooming and self-care skills, enjoying leisure activities. The number of sessions will depend on each person’s goals and amount of vision loss, but the average is four to six sessions. Call our clinic at (504) 899-4501 x 238 for more information.
Yes! Learn more here or call (504) 899-4501 ext. 245 or (225) 275-1200 ext. 245.
We have two retail stores, one in Baton Rouge and one in New Orleans that sell all types of visual aids from talking watches, electronic magnifiers, and sunglasses. Shop here. At this time, insurance carriers do not pay for optical devices of low vision aids.
Yes! We help people with all types of intellectual and developmental disabilities find the right jobs for them at no cost. We create jobs in two different ways: 1) Jobs within the Lighthouse and 2) Jobs in the community. To find out if you’re eligible call
New Orleans Office (504) 899-4501 Ext. 225 or 259
Baton Rouge Office (225) 275-1200
An individual’s ABILITY determines the right job match. With improved access to technology and training, people with disabilities can perform a wide variety of jobs. We have placed people in jobs with a wide variety of employers ranging from large corporations to small locally owned businesses. Each placement is different and the length of time to find a job will depend on employment goals, support needs and job site location.
No. National statistics show there is no more liability when hiring someone with a disability than without a disability.
Yes! We can help connect you with hearing aids and other adaptive equipment. The first step in getting free hearing aids through the Lighthouse is to call the Louisiana Commission for the Deaf to add your name to the waiting list at 1-800-256-1523.
We provide flashing doorbells and amplified phones for those who are hard of hearing to maintain their independence and their ability to communicate with friends and family.
Please call us for additional information about the program and other referrals we can offer you: (504) 899-4501 or (225) 275-1200.
Yes! Lighthouse Louisiana is uniquely qualified to provide services to people experiencing both vision and hearing loss, and we have resources to help people in the Deafblind community maintain their independence and be successful. Learn more here.
If you’re having trouble getting an ASL interpreter for an appointment, please contact us and we can reach out to make sure your doctor, employer, or another institution can provide you with full communication access. Learn more here.
Call us at (504) 899-4501 x 245 or (225) 275-1200 x 245
Resources Directory
Your experience as someone who has low vision, is blind or Deaf, or has a disability is specific to you, but know that you are not alone. These resources can help connect you with the help you need to overcome your personal hurdles and equip you with the information and tools you need to thrive.
Advocacy & Support
Advocacy Center
American Foundation for the Blind
American Foundation for the Blind Senior Site
American Council of the Blind
ADA-Americans With Disabilities Act
National Federation of the Blind
Blinded Veterans Association
AER-Association for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired
Louisiana Commission for the Deaf
The National Association of the Deaf
The Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf
Support for Parents
National Association for Parents of Children with Visual Impairments
Family Connect
Council for Exceptional Children Division
The American Society for Deaf Children
The Parent Pupil Education Program
Louisiana Hands and Voices
Deaf Focus
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
Guide Dog Services
The Seeing Eye
Guiding Eyes for the Blind
Leader Dogs for the Blind, Inc.
Southeast Louisiana Transportation
Regional Transit Authority
Jefferson Transit
CATS- Baton Rouge
Education & Training
Louisiana Center for the Blind
Affiliated Blind of Louisiana
Louisiana Association for the Blind
Hadley School for the Blind
Louisiana School for the Deaf
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
Delgado Community College’s ASL Interpreting Program
The Helen Keller National Center
The National Deaf-Blind Equipment Distribution Program
Galladut University
Affordable Colleges Online
Scholarships for Students with Disabilities
Guide to Braille Resources