Three members of the American Academy of Optometry visited Lighthouse Louisiana October 12 to complete a necessary step to become Low Vision Diplomats. These diplomats are optometrists who have taken a special program of education and testing to ensure they meet the highest standards in providing high quality low vision care for their patients. Typically, candidates become eligible for the distinction four to five years after completing optometry school. According to the Academy, only 29 optometrists in the nation hold this distinction.

At Lighthouse, the candidates completed a rigorous practical observed and scored by six Academy members. The optometrists were in New Orleans to attend the American Academy of Optometry’s annual convention. Lighthouse’s own Low Vision Occupational Therapists observed the practical assessments to gain perspective regarding the contents of a Low Vision Optometrist’s evaluation.

“I was very impressed at the amount of knowledge and testing performed by the Low Vision Doctors of Optometry (OD),” said Shawn Wenzel, LOTR, CLVT, Low Vision Occupational Therapist. “It was definitely a learning experience and interesting to see the different styles and approaches by each OD during their testing and their thought processes while being questioned by the seasoned diplomats.”